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Curtis Leitch

Finance Coordinator

When I was young, my ambition was to be one of the people who made a difference in this world. My hope is to leave the world a little better for having been there.” – Jim Henson

Curtis Leitch was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska. He went to Washington State University and later transferred to the University of Alaska Anchorage, earning his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology and Political Science. Curtis joined Kid Power as an AmeriCorps Academic Consultant in the fall of 2014. In this role, Curtis created English Language Arts and Math curriculum for Academic Power Hour aligned to Common Core Standards but featuring innovative, hands-on activities and creative review activities with benchmark assessments. In his second year, based on the success of piloted hands-on math and science activities, Curtis significantly increased Kid Power’s STEM curriculum. After two years of AmeriCorps service, Curtis transitioned to the role of Assistant Program Director in the fall of 2016. He oversaw Kid Power programs at J.O. Wilson Elementary, Stanton Elementary School, Jefferson Middle School, and LaSalle-Backus Education Campus during his first year as Assistant Program Director. He later supervised Cluster Coordinators and curriculum development, as well as working with senior leadership on evaluation and grant compliance. Curtis transitioned to Program Director in 2018 and then Senior Program Director in 2020, where he focuses on data analysis and bolstering Kid Power’s curriculum.